Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Menston Primary School. This is a warm, friendly and successful school full of brilliant people (most of them under 12 years old!). Our children are fabulous. They care about their friends, their school and their world, and they work hard to learn and to teach each other interesting, useful things. They particularly like our commitment to providing regular opportunities for Learning Outside the Classroom in all year groups - be that running the Daily Mile, pond dipping, minibeast hunting and den building or just being outdoors and learning about the natural world. Whilst doing all this they achieve very high standards. The children have taught us that the school should be ‘Making our World a Better Place.’ So that is what we work together to do - every day.
Mrs Marie Wilson

Please contact the School Office on 01943 873180 if you would like to learn more about our school and to arrange a visit.


We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Bronze Accredited school! This means that as a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities.
Due to adverse weather conditions, we have had to cancel our next Open Morning event on Thursday 9th January 2025.

We aim for all children to achieve at least 97% attendance. This means that children should only be absent from school when they are too ill to attend.

Absence due to illness should be reported by leaving a message on the 24HR child absence line before 08:30am by calling the school office on 01943 873180. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea, they must be kept off school for 48 hours after the last bout of illness.

Medical and dental appointments should be made, where possible, outside of school time. If your child will be attending an appointment within school time, please notify the office in advance by emailing, along with proof of the appointment, e.g. a screenshot of a confirmation text or email.

Please do not book family holidays during term time. Our term dates are available under the ‘Parents’ tab. Any request for leave of absence during term time should be submitted using the Leave of Absence form, which can be downloaded from the ‘Useful Forms’ page via the ‘Parents’ tab. Paper copies are available from the school office.

Our school gates close promptly at 08:45 am, so please ensure children arrive at school before this time. Any children arriving after this time should report to the school office on St Peter’s Way to sign in.

Important Dates

Mrs Wilson says...

February 2025

The Dog Mentor I am delighted to let you know that, thanks to funding from the Parish Council, we are joining The Dog Mentor Programme this month and introducing our own school dog to Menston Primary School. The Dog Mentor programme has built upon the benefits of the human-animal bond by providing children positive experiences with dogs that can help them educationally, developmentally, emotionally and socially. Mrs Meakin’s Cavapoo, Bonnie, will be our school dog. Many families will already know Bonnie and we are confident that she has the right temperament to be an excellent school dog. We envisage that The Dog Mentor Programme will have a positive influence on the school environment as a whole and we look forward to the impact the programme will have on our children. Full training will be given to Mrs Meakin and Bonnie, in order to ensure that the welfare of everyone involved is maintained as a top priority. Online Safety NSPCC Advice on Children’s Use of WhatsApp: READ MORE

The Children say…

“The KS2 Playground is the place to be. There is everything you need; hop scotch, a great tig area and even a ball court for playing football in.”

“I love the Stone Circle because it is an area where you can think about stuff quietly and it is a very calming place.”

“I like the Woodland area because it feels like you’re in an actual forest away from school. The Woodland area is my favourite place to be in school.”

“I enjoy playing on the KS2 field because you do outdoor learning on the learning posts and explore the wonders of the world.”

“I like the Daily Mile because it is a great way to relax after some hard work.”

“When I enter the Willow Tunnel, I feel like I’m in an enchanted place with twisted branches all around. I also like the cool breeze blowing around.”

“I like Den Building because you can build a den and feel like you are in the Stone Age. You can pretend that the covers are animal skins. In the Den Building area, you can make pretend campfires and have fun as well as learn.”

Our Parents say...

“I would like to thank you for providing my daughter with a wonderful start in such a rich learning environment with excellent teachers.”

“My daughter has had a wonderful Year 5. She has grown in confidence throughout the year and has a lovely friendship group. Thank you to all the staff for their support.”

“Our child has loved this year at school which is a testament to brilliant teaching and support staff. We so appreciate your hard work, creativity and care for the children.”

“We really appreciate the commitment and hard work of all the staff at the school and feel very lucky to have our children at such a wonderful school.”


Here at Menston Primary School we are dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of all children and adults in the school and expect everyone in our community to share this commitment.