Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place

July 2024

Thank you

As we approach the end of the academic year, I would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you to our families, staff and wider school community. Thank you to parents and carers for supporting children in their learning, for ensuring children are prepared for school and for communicating openly with school wherever you have had questions or concerns.

Thank you to our wonderful staff for your hard work and commitment to the children’s educational and pastoral development. Thank you too for communicating with families to ensure that the home-school partnership remains effective in the very best interests of our children.

Thank you to our local governing board and to Moorlands Learning Trust leaders. The work that has taken place this year to support our school has been exceptional. The continued development of our teachers’ subject and pedagogical knowledge has been a particular strength this year through their work with MLT school improvement leads. So much has taken place ‘behind the scenes’  to develop consistency and efficiencies in our operational systems too.

And finally but by no means least important – a huge thank you to our brilliant children! You have worked hard, learned lots and shown real commitment to your learning, our school and to making our world and the wider world a better place. You all deserve to have a wonderful holiday when it arrives and I know that you will be ready for your next steps in September. We all wish our Year 6 children the very best of everything as you move to your secondary schools and continue your exciting journey through life.

School day timings

A reminder that, from September 2024, we will be starting our school day at the slightly earlier time of 08:45, which will mean that our drop-off window will be between 08:35 and 08:45 from the start of the next academic year.

This is what the timetable change will look like in practical terms:

Current model 32.5-hour week model from September 2024
Gates open for children to arrive and settle into class 08:45 – 08:55 Gates open for children to arrive and settle into class 08:35 – 08:45
Registration and     morning learning task 08:55 – 09:10 Registration and     morning learning task 08:45 – 09:00
Core lessons start 09:10 Core lessons start 09:00
End of the school day 15:15 End of the school day 15:15


We encourage our families to donate outgrown uniform that is in excellent condition to our PTA. Parents can then buy        high-quality pre-worn uniform items for as little as £1:00 (£2:00 for branded items). Uniform can be donated/ purchased by emailing or by speaking to Mrs Meakin on the Key Stage 1 gate.

Car Safety

Bradford Council have provided our school with a child measuring guide which provides important advice for parents and  children on road safety, child car seats and in-car safety. The measuring guide is located outside the school office on St Peter’s Way for children and parents to use.


Please can we request that families avoid bringing dogs into the school grounds unless the dog is carried by the owner and is under very close control.


Our overall attendance  as of 1st July was 96.4%, which is slightly lower than our target of 97%. Our overall attendance for the last academic year was  96.46%. It is our aim that every child in school achieves attendance of at least 97% so I would urge families to check our school term dates carefully before booking any holidays.  Children should only be absent from school if they are too ill to attend or for other truly exceptional circumstances and holidays in term-time are not classed as exceptional. We encourage families to send children into school if they have a mild cold or other mild symptoms of illness. Children will always be monitored by staff and parents will be contacted if we feel that a child is too ill to stay at school. If you are not sure about whether your child is too ill to attend school, please refer to the NHS website Is My Child Too Ill for School? where you will find advice on a range of common childhood illnesses. We should take this opportunity to remind parents that children with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay away from school until they have not been sick or had diarrhoea for at least 2 days (48 hours).

If you have anything that you need to ask me about or let me know about, please email the school office, come to see me or give me a call and I will get back to you.

Mrs Marie Wilson



We are extremely happy to share with you that Menston Primary School has achieved Silver Award Status for the United Against Bullying Programme.
Our My Happy Mind theme for this half term is ‘Appreciate’. The Appreciate module teaches children to understand why gratitude matters and how we can develop gratitude as a habit. Gratitude is key to wellbeing and resilience and we’re all about making it a habit!