Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium Grant is an allocation of additional funding provided to schools to support specific groups of children who are vulnerable to possible underachievement. These include pupils who are or have been entitled to free school meals within the last six years, those looked after by the local authority, children adopted from care and children of armed services personnel.

Please click here to view our Pupil Premium Strategy.

Our aim is to narrow the gap in attainment and educational opportunity between those children attracting pupil premium funding and their peers.

How will we know that the funding is having an impact?

Intervention, academic or pastoral, is measured in pupil progress meetings at least termly.

Our tracking systems ensure that children’s progress is monitored carefully and that provision matches individual need at any given point in time.

We monitor pupil attendance

We strive for all children to reach their full potential and we are confident that staff members know and understand our children well. Children’s social and emotional development is a key aspect of the school’s work and we place high importance on empowering children to become confident learners who can manage risks and challenges in a positive way.


We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Bronze Accredited school! This means that as a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities.
Due to adverse weather conditions, we have had to cancel our next Open Morning event on Thursday 9th January 2025.

Important Dates