The link here will take you to the Department for Education’s website where you can see comprehensive school performance data.
Our outcomes for the 2023-24 academic year can be seen in the tables below.
End of KS2 outcomes are based on statutory attainment test (SATs) results for reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation & spelling (GPS). Teacher assessment judgements are used for writing outcomes. There are no progress scores in 2024, as schools did not submit any end of KS1 assessment data in 2020.
Menston Primary met the expected standard (100+) | National met the expected standard (100+) | Menston Primary high level of attainment (110+) | National met the high level of attainment (110+) | Menston average scaled score | National average scaled score | Menston Primary average progress score | |
Reading | 90% | 74% | 46% | 29% | 109 | 105 | n/a |
Writing | 75% | 72% | 12% | 13% | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Grammar | 90% | 72% | 47% | n/a | 109 | 105 | n/a |
Maths | 88% | 73% | 44% | 24% | 108 | 104 | n/a |
Combined R, W, M | 74% | 61% | 9% | 8% | n/a | n/a | n/a |
End of KS1 outcomes are based on teacher assessment judgements, not test outcomes. In 2024 schools could use optional KS1 SATs materials to help teachers to make end of KS1 judgements.
Menston Primary met the expected standard | National met the expected standard | Menston Primary working at greater depth | National working at greater depth | |
Reading | 85% | 71% | 20% | 19% |
Writing | 71% | 63% | 14% | 9% |
Maths | 75% | 72% | 20% | 17% |
Combined R, W, M | 61% | not yet published | 14% | not yet published |
Menston Primary met the expected standard | National met the expected standard | |
Year 1 | 94% | 80% |
By the end of Year 2 | 90% |
Our end of EYFS outcomes are lower this year than in previous years. Typically, more than 80% of our children to achieve the good level of development (GLD) at the end of the Early Years Foundation Stage. In the 2023/24 cohort, more than 50% of children were ‘summer born’ and 23% of the cohort have identified Special Educational Needs.
Menston Primary Good Level of Development | National Good Level of Development | Menston Primary Mean points score | National Mean points score |
68% | 68% | not yet published | not yet published |