Our Year 1 teachers are:
Elm Class – Miss Dibb
Willow Class – Mrs Hardiman and Mrs Gilmour
Our Teaching Assistants are: Mrs Pheasey, Mrs Turnock and Mr Dover
We are also taught by Mrs Meakin and Mrs Maher
Daily – Children need to bring a named water bottle into school every day. Children are able to access outside learning regularly so it is important that they always come to school with a waterproof coat. During the summer children should also have a named sunhat.
Monday (PM) – Outdoor Learning (Mrs Meakin)
Friday – PE , children to come to school in PE kits and trainers.
Reading books are changed. Spellings.
The Year 1 newsletter is sent out via email every Friday outlining our learning.
Reading: Please read with your child as often as possible, ideally four times a week. Reading books are changed every Friday. This is the only day reading books need to be in school.
Children are given English and maths homework activities to complete every Friday. These can be found in book bags. Curriculum homework is included in the weekly letter and is in the form of a ‘Big Talk’ task.
For a list of suggestions of lovely picture books to read to your child click here.
For information on school milk, please click here.
For information about our learning over the year, please see our Long Term Plan
For information on writing over the year, please click here.
For information on reading over the year, please click here.
For information on maths over the year, please click here.
For information on end of Y1 expectations for reading, writing and maths, please click here.