Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place

Year 4 – Alder & Ash


Our Year 4 teachers are:

Alder Class – Mrs Kay/Miss Dawson

Ash Class – Mr Bowering

Our Teaching Assistants are: Miss Chana & Mr Grimmit


Children need to bring a named water bottle into school every day.

Children are able to access outside learning regularly so it is important that they always come to school with a waterproof, hooded coat. During the summer, children should also have a named sunhat.

Children need to bring their reading book and reading journal each day.


This half term, Year 4 PE is on Mondays. Children should come to school wearing their PE uniform on PE days.


The Year 4 newsletter is sent out via email every Friday.

Reading: Children in Key Stage 2 should read at home for 20 minutes at least three times every week. This can be independently or with an adult. Your child should have a book they have chosen from the vast array of exciting reading books in our class library. It is really important that your child brings their reading book to school with them every day. Just a reminder: when your child reaches a ‘pause point’, we would love them to try answering the questions in their orange exercise book. If these questions are tricky, your child is welcome to answer them verbally with your support or to answer them in school instead. The important thing is that they are enjoying and understanding the book.

Times Tables: Year 4 is a key year for children to develop fluent recall of all times tables to support them in their Maths leaning and also to prepare for the national multiplication tables tests in the Summer term. We therefore encourage children to practice tables regularly. Children have logins for Times Table Rockstars which they can also access from home to help them learn their tables.

Spellings: Spellings will be set every Friday. Children have logins for Spelling Shed which they can also access from home to help them learn their spelling patterns.


We are excited to be updating a lot of the Year 4 learning for this year.

For the Year 4 Learning Challenges, please click here.

For the Year 4 Long Term Plan, please click here.

For information on writing over the year, please click here.

For information on reading over the year, please click here.

For information on maths over the year, please click here.

For Year 4 end of year expectations for reading, writing and maths, please click here.


For information on school milk please click here.

Children in KS2 should bring a healthy snack, which should be fresh fruit or vegetables for morning playtime.


We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Bronze Accredited school! This means that as a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities.
Due to adverse weather conditions, we have had to cancel our next Open Morning event on Thursday 9th January 2025.

Important Dates