Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place


Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum for England and the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. Our pupils are offered a broad range of experiences to extend their understanding of themselves and the world in which they live. Knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are developed to prepare the children for the next stage of learning (Key Stage 1 and 2 ready and secondary ready), and enable them to be successful in the community and the wider world. We believe that effective learning takes place when there is considerable emphasis on active involvement alongside opportunities to explain and clarify thinking. We make meaningful connections across subjects. The school expects everyone to develop and show a sense of responsibility and self-discipline whether alone, together, at work or at play, and to support policies on equal opportunities. We actively promote the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs to prepare our pupils for life in modern day Britain. We also incorporate careers awareness activities into our teaching to further help to prepare our children for their future.


Our curriculum drivers are:

Equality, diversity and tolerance: Celebrating difference is vital so that our children develop acceptance and an understanding of the different types of diversity within and beyond Menston.

Creativity and critical thinking: We strive to develop our children’s ability to develop new ideas and think deeply, knowing that these skills will equip them for the future.

Global citizens: We need our children to develop an increasingly secure understanding of some of the ways in which they can make our world a better place by seeking opportunities to be active citizens, understanding their responsibilities both locally and in the wider world. Through connecting with nature and environmental issues, they become guardians of our planet.

Future-thinking: Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths are essential to equip our children for the world they are growing up in. They will understand how to safely and respectfully navigate the online world. Our children will have opportunities to make meaningful links between the STEM subjects and their wider learning across the curriculum and beyond, including an awareness of careers.

Wellbeing: Pastoral care is paramount to enable children to learn effectively in a safe, warm and welcoming environment. Our provision for outdoor learning, our detailed PSHE curriculum and our whole school approach to mental health are the framework through which we maintain a focus on positive relationships and children’s mental and physical wellbeing.

Our curriculum complies fully with our duties in the Equality Act 2010, and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014, ensuring that the curriculum is accessible for those with SEND.


Phonics and early reading

Pupils in Foundation and KS1 are taught phonics for reading and writing using the Essential Letters and Sounds framework and a range of reading schemes to ensure that children develop a love of reading alongside developing key reading and comprehension skills.

ELS Letter to Parents

ELS Teaching Progression

ELS Parent Presentation

Recommended Books to Share



The teaching of Maths is based on the White Rose Maths Hub’s Mastery approach and is supported by our teaching of mental maths skills and our calculation policy. We aim to provide children with the ability to reason in a logical way and to apply mathematics through problem solving in real life contexts. We want to help children to see the links between maths and other subjects and deepen their understanding through investigations and application of maths across the curriculum.

White Rose calculation policy for addition & subtraction

White Rose calculation policy for multiplication & division

Parents can download free workbooks to do with children at home from the White Rose website here.


Curriculum Statements and Overviews

For our writing progression map, please click here.

For our reading progression map, please click here.

Find a suggested book list for LKS2 here. Find a suggested book list for UKS2 here.

English curriculum statement – please click here.

English overview KS1 – please click here.

English overview KS2 – please click here.

Mathematics curriculum statement – please click here.

Science curriculum statement – please click here.

Science curriculum overview – please click here.

History curriculum statement – please click here.

History curriculum overview – please click here.

Geography curriculum statement – please click here.

Geography curriculum overview – please click here.

Computing curriculum statement – please click here.

Computing curriculum overview – please click here.

Design Technology curriculum statement – please click here.

Design Technology curriculum overview – please click here.

Art curriculum statement – please click here.

Art curriculum overview – please click here.

PE curriculum statement – please click here.

PE curriculum overview – please click here.

Music curriculum statement – please click here.

Music curriculum overview – please click here.

MFL curriculum statement – please click here.

MFL curriculum overview – please click here.

PSHE curriculum statement – please click here.

PSHE curriculum overview – please click here.

RE curriculum statement – please click here.

RE curriculum overview – please click here.

Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you would like to know more about the curriculum. Members of the public may request information via the school office.



We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Bronze Accredited school! This means that as a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities.
Our open mornings for September 2025 Reception intake families will be held on Monday 11th, Wednesday 13th and Saturday 16th November 2024. Please click on the tab on the menu bar for more information.