Key Stage 2 Citizenship Award Scheme
This month we are delighted to be launching our Citizenship Award Scheme for children in Y3, 4, 5 and 6. Children have been set a series of challenges to complete over the year which will enable them to demonstrate their commitment to our school motto: ‘Making Our World a Better Place’. Children will be awarded certificates and badges for achieving these challenges and any child who achieves all of the challenges set for their year group will be awarded a Governor Award in a special assembly that parents will be invited to attend. Some of the challenges are set for outside of school, so we very much hope that families will support children to achieve these.
The Department for Education has published updated statutory guidance ‘Working together to improve school attendance’ in August and as a result, we have an updated Moorlands Learning Trust attendance policy. Alongside this policy, we have published our own school procedures for managing attendance. Both the policy and our school procedures can be accessed on the Attendance page of our website.
Car Safety
Bradford Council have provided our school with a child measuring guide which provides important advice for parents and children on road safety, child car seats and in-car safety. The measuring guide is located outside the school office on St Peter’s Way for children and parents to use.
Please can we request that families avoid bringing dogs into the school grounds unless the dog is carried by the owner and is under very close control.
If you have anything that you need to ask me about or let me know about, please email the school office, come to see me or give me a call and I will get back to you.
Mrs Marie Wilson