Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place

Year 6 – Birch & Sycamore


Our Year 6 teachers are:

Birch Class –  Mr Frost

Sycamore Class – Mr Davison

Our Teaching Assistants are: Miss Thompson, Mr Langan and Mrs French.


Daily – Children need to bring a named water bottle into school every day. They should also bring their current reading book and planner each day.

Children are able to access outside learning regularly so it is important that they always come to school with a waterproof coat. During the summer children should also have a named sunhat.

PE – Monday.  Please come to school in PE uniform on Monday.


In Year 6, children will be expected to record homework in their homework book. (Children need to record what they have done in their homework book even if the work is completed outside of the book – for instance, if the children create a piece of artwork.) Homework books need to be handed in with completed homework each Monday. Homework will be marked and returned to children by Wednesday at the latest.

Please click here to access this term’s homework menu.

Reading: Please encourage your child to read a variety of texts. It is important that children are reading regularly to develop fluency as children are expected to read increasingly longer texts with greater speed. We expect Year 6 children to be reading at home every day for a minimum of 20 minutes – sometimes independently and sometimes with an adult. Vocabulary is important so exploring the meaning of unfamiliar words is beneficial.

Spelling: Spelling is a high priority for Year 6 and will taught and practiced in class on a regular basis. Children will also receive regular spelling homework each Friday; children have logins for Spelling Shed where they can practise spellings and access a range of games.


The Year Six newsletter will be sent each Friday via email.

For information on school milk please click here.

Children in KS2 should bring a healthy snack such as fruit or vegetables for morning playtime.

For information about our learning over the year please see our Year 6 Long Term Plan.

For information on writing over the year please click here.

For information on reading over the year please click here.

For information on maths over the year please click here.


We are extremely happy to share with you that Menston Primary School has achieved Silver Award Status for the United Against Bullying Programme.
Our My Happy Mind theme for this half term is ‘Appreciate’. The Appreciate module teaches children to understand why gratitude matters and how we can develop gratitude as a habit. Gratitude is key to wellbeing and resilience and we’re all about making it a habit!

Important Dates

End of year reports out to parents
Jul 10 all-day
Year 6 Leavers’ Party
Jul 12 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Meet the teacher – a chance to meet your child’s next class teacher
Jul 15 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm