Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place

Reception – Acorn & Oak


Acorn Class – Miss Hammans (Class Teacher), Miss Bunney (Teaching Assistant – Mondays and Tuesdays), Mrs Garbutt (Teaching Assistant – Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays)

Oak Class – Miss Lain (Class Teacher & Phase Leader), Miss Blackburn (Teaching Assistant), Miss Jones (Apprentice Teaching Assistant)

On Thursday mornings, PSED and yoga are led by Mrs Meakin and Mrs Maher.


Our aim in Reception is to support the children so that they:


Children need to bring to school every day a named water bottle, a hooded waterproof coat and their reading folder. Children have access to outdoor learning daily. They all need to keep a pair of wellies in school. On sunny days, children should come to school with sun cream already applied and with a named sun hat. On wintery days they need a warm hat and gloves in addition to a warm hooded coat.


Children have phonics, maths and literacy/topic sessions daily, and weekly RE, PSED, art/DT and PE lessons. They take part in regular reading sessions, 1:1, and whole class shared reading. Children also have time to follow their own learning in outdoor and indoor provision.

On Thursday it is PE and the children need to come to school already dressed in their PE uniform.


A Reception newsletter is sent out via email every Friday.

Reading: Please read with your child at least five times a week. Their book will be changed when they can read it confidently and it has been read at home.

Big talk: Children are given a topic to discuss at home and are expected to come to school with a sentence to share about it.

Maths/Literacy: Practical maths activities are suggested to do at home that fit in with the current teaching, for example, hunting for numbers. Ideas to support learning in literacy are also offered.

Phonics: The newsletter will outline which phonemes and tricky words the children have learnt that week, those that they have learnt so far this year, and how their learning can be supported at home.


For information about our learning over the year (including writing and maths), please see our EYFS Long-Term Plan.

For information on reading over the year, please click here.

For information on how we teach British Values in Foundation, please click here.

For information on EYFS end of year expectations, please click here (pp.11-15).


For information on school milk click here.



We are proud to announce that we are a myHappymind Bronze Accredited school! This means that as a school we consider the mental health and wellbeing of our children as one of our top priorities.
Our open mornings for September 2025 Reception intake families will be held on Monday 11th, Wednesday 13th and Saturday 16th November 2024. Please click on the tab on the menu bar for more information.