Menston Primary School

Making our world a better place

Headteacher's Welcome

Welcome to Menston Primary School. This is a warm, friendly and successful school full of brilliant people (most of them under 12 years old!). Our children are fabulous. They care about their friends, their school and their world, and they work hard to learn and to teach each other interesting, useful things. They particularly like our commitment to providing regular opportunities for Learning Outside the Classroom in all year groups - be that running the Daily Mile, pond dipping, minibeast hunting and den building or just being outdoors and learning about the natural world. Whilst doing all this they achieve very high standards. The children have taught us that the school should be ‘Making our World a Better Place.’ So that is what we work together to do - every day.

Please contact the School Office on 01943 873180 if you would like to learn more about our school and to arrange a visit.


We are extremely happy to share with you that Menston Primary School has achieved Silver Award Status for the United Against Bullying Programme.
Our My Happy Mind theme for this half term is ‘Appreciate’. The Appreciate module teaches children to understand why gratitude matters and how we can develop gratitude as a habit. Gratitude is key to wellbeing and resilience and we’re all about making it a habit!

We aim for all children to achieve at least 97% attendance. This means that children should only be absent from school when they are too ill to attend.

Please make all medical appointments outside of the school day wherever possible and please do not book family holidays in term time. Our term dates are available on the ‘Parents’ section of this website.

Our school gates close at 08:55 am, so please ensure children arrive at school before this time.

Please report all sickness absences to the school office before 8:30 am. We have a 24 hour absence line 01943 873180 where you can leave a message to let us know what the reason for absence is. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea they must be kept off school for 48 hours after the last bout of illness.

Important Dates

End of year reports out to parents
Jul 10 all-day
Year 6 Leavers’ Party
Jul 12 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Meet the teacher – a chance to meet your child’s next class teacher
Jul 15 @ 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Mrs Wilson says...

June 2024

Running Track I am delighted that our large running track is now dry enough to be back in action following a very wet winter and early spring. Children from all year groups have been running on the track at lunch time, and classes will be using the track as part of children’s daily exercise entitlement over the rest of this term. British Weather! Please can we ask that children come to school with a waterproof coat every day. The weather can be changeable, as we all know, and we can have heavy downpours which start suddenly. We always aim for children to be out in the fresh air at break and lunch times, and this is difficult for children without coats when it is raining.  If the forecast is for warm, sunny weather, please send children in wearing sun cream and a sun hat. Uniform Children should not come to school wearing any make up. This includes eye make up and nail polish. We appreciate READ MORE

The Children say…

“The KS2 Playground is the place to be. There is everything you need; hop scotch, a great tig area and even a ball court for playing football in.”

“I love the Stone Circle because it is an area where you can think about stuff quietly and it is a very calming place.”

“I like the Woodland area because it feels like you’re in an actual forest away from school. The Woodland area is my favourite place to be in school.”

“I enjoy playing on the KS2 field because you do outdoor learning on the learning posts and explore the wonders of the world.”

“I like the Daily Mile because it is a great way to relax after some hard work.”

“When I enter the Willow Tunnel, I feel like I’m in an enchanted place with twisted branches all around. I also like the cool breeze blowing around.”

“I like Den Building because you can build a den and feel like you are in the Stone Age. You can pretend that the covers are animal skins. In the Den Building area, you can make pretend campfires and have fun as well as learn.”

Our Parents say...

“I would like to thank you for providing my daughter with a wonderful start in such a rich learning environment with excellent teachers.”

“My daughter has had a wonderful Year 5. She has grown in confidence throughout the year and has a lovely friendship group. Thank you to all the staff for their support.”

“Our child has loved this year at school which is a testament to brilliant teaching and support staff. We so appreciate your hard work, creativity and care for the children.”

“We really appreciate the commitment and hard work of all the staff at the school and feel very lucky to have our children at such a wonderful school.”


Here at Menston Primary School we are dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of all children and adults in the school and expect everyone in our community to share this commitment.